Photos from last weeks Hnlnow.com and Star Advertisers Pulse of Honolulu assignments. One of the things about my job that is both a pulse and a minus is that I get assigned to go to events, clubs, concerts that i would never ever attend of my own choosing. It adds a little more stress to a gig in that i've never been there, don't know where to park, don't know the promotors, and the door guys aren't as familiar with me as when its a place i cover regularly. Its also fun because i'm forced to broaden my horizons, meet new people, and discover some really neat new venues. Last week I got double reggae gigs. One at UH and the other at a fairly new venue that ended up actually being a place i've gone to dozens of times when it was a few different clubs. Its always fun to see how new owners change around the decor and feeling of a location. Talked my roommate into coming along. Even did a short stop off in China Town to show her some of the First Friday monthly art show block party. Shear craziness that I usually avoid like the plague! but she's moving to the mainland in a few weeks and has never been so I figured it was something she should experience before moving. All and all a fun night despite the fact that i'm not a huge fan of reggae.
See the photos below:
Different photos on each site so check them both!!
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